“Coming from Disney, it's shoking that the design, color, ilumination and design is so terrible, with 3D films like Toy Story having aged better with an almost 10 year gap.
The plot is kind of like it doesn't know what it wants to do, where it wants to go, so at the end of the movie it's no” read more
“As much as it is a classic, the weird rythm, serious plot holes and awkard conclusion buries this down to a movie that should be seen more if you like cinema history and not as much for the plot.” read more
“Absolutely terrible, doesn't have quite a point, gets a 2/10 because at least has decent production values” read more
“A bit of a deconstruction of the superhero genre, which revolves more around the psychology and relationship of the characters rather than on the superpowers or some enemy that has to be defeated.
Megaming is the most explored character in this movie which faces issues which may be dark fo” read more
“The striclty weird rules of the game managed to catch my passion, but objectively it makes it awkardly precise and frustrating to play as a small error or not having into account a detail will cost you a life.
Music, though good, it only has one theme that loops over and over in the game o” read more